We all need water!  As a Long Island residents whose water supply comes from ground water, it is important to be aware of the realities of drinking and showering in our water supply.  Uncontaminated water is essential for our cells to carry out their critical functions since it goes directly to the cellular level of our bodies.

Water enables us to-

  • Breathe
  • Keep our brains going
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Lubricates joints and spinal discs
  • Detoxify to support liver and muscle activity
  • Digest our food
  • Plus dozens of other important body functions.

Harmful microbes, a main source of gastrointestinal illness, are present in treated water.  Chlorine is added in the treatment plants in an attempt to kill microbes.  Yet, chlorine is itself a pollutant and is one of the most harmful chemicals found in our water!  Inorganic contaminants such as lead, mercury, cyanide and asbestos are common, along with medications that can contribute to a wide range of diseases and disorders.  Agricultural chemicals which leach into the ground are commonly present in treated water.

In 1991, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute released a study claiming that pet owners who sprayed their lawns at least four times a year with 2,4-D, a popular herbicide, doubled their pet’s chances of getting malignant cancers.  Then there is Atrazine, a weed killer that often washes into water supplies and has become among the most common contaminants in American reservoirs according to the NY Times, in August 2009.  “For decades, farmers, lawn care workers and green thumb professionals have relied on Atrazine, to protect their crops, golf courses, and manicured lawns.  Studies suggest the chemical may be associated with serious malfunctions resulting in birth defects, low birth weights and menstrual problems.”

Keep in mind there are several busy airports on Long Island.  Chemicals in jet fuel and petroleum may slowly move from the soil into our groundwater supply.

Unfortunately, many water treatment plants fail to maintain even the minimum standards to remove these harmful pollutants.  Regardless of the source, our water is exposed to serious toxic threats that are harmful to the health of you and your family.  It is simple and inexpensive to filter this treated water into water that is actually good for us.

What we want is to suppress the increase of excessive free radicals (oxygen peroxide) and keep the body relatively free from oxidation attack.  One of the causes of premature aging is due to oxidation to the various systems in the body.  By strengthening the anti-oxidation ability of the body, aging may slow.  When water is absorbed into the body, it carries more oxygen, which your body needs, than tap or bottled water.

Bottled water adds insult to injury as it can contain Bisphenol-A, or BPA, an estrogen-mimicking chemical.  Add to that, the cost of bottled water to the individual and the environment.  A mountain of discarded, non-biodegradable containers is a potential ecological disaster.  Health risks from drinking and discarding plastic containers from bottled water may be sky- rocketing health care costs in every country in the world.

In September 2008 the National Toxicology Program of NIH determined that BPA may pose risks to human development, raising concerns for early puberty, prostate effects, breast cancer, and behavioral impacts from early-life exposures. It also shows that nearly all of the exposure is through the food supply, which emphasizes the importance of avoiding BPA-laced food and beverage containers of all kinds as this is how your food becomes contaminated.
As an important footnote, cancer cannot be active in oxygen rich circumstances.  Also important to note is that aerobic microbes (good for us), can be active while non-aerobic microbes (not good for you), can not.  This is extremely beneficial because this creates an unfriendly environment for cancer.


What You Can Do to Protect our Groundwater as stated by The Suffolk County Water Authority:

• Don’t pour any hazardous or toxic household materials down the drain or toilet – old paint, cleaners, degreasers, oils, etc.

• Properly dispose of all expired or unused medications by dropping them off at your local SuffolkCounty police department precinct’s drop box, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

• If you use any chemicals on your lawn and gardens (pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers) do so sparingly. In this case, more is not better.

• Don’t overwater your lawn during the summer. Instead, irrigate less frequently and for longer durations to promote deep root growth and reduce runoff of any chemicals into the groundwater.

• Support open space preservation initiatives in your community.


The goal is to use the proper water filtration system, fill your glass water bottles, and take them with you to work and play!


A toast to your good health!


Judith Stanton is the CEO of Stanton Healthcare Group, partner in Innovative Wellness 360, and Spa Developer. Any questions?   Contact judith@innovativewellness360.com

