When talking about aging, most people immediately think about external signs of getting old such as an increase in wrinkles, skin elasticity, hair loss and many others. This is why our efforts to slow down, or minimize the effects of aging are often focused on the external therapies which sadly have limited benefits.

To actually fight aging, we have to realize that it is more than just external appearances.  We have to address aging issues that cannot be seen, too. And by this, I am referring to the effects of natural aging and lifestyle that our brain undergoes. We may not notice, but the most unfortunate effects of aging reflect in our cognitive abilities. Decreased cognitive ability due to unhealthy brain aging causes diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s. At present, these diseases are already considered as two of the leading causes of death which are associated with unhealthy brain aging. Sadly, there is still no known cure for these. The only things available at hand are the long-term studies done by scientists that weave how and why our brains age.

Howbeit, we at Life Botanica, believe that the increasing trend of the recorded cases of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed down by considering what is already known about the things that affect brain function – natural aging, lifestyle, diet and many others. This is because although severe memory loss and cognitive decline are often associated with natural brain aging and poor genetics, they are also found to be consequences of unhealthy brain aging caused by severely poor lifestyle.

We may not actually see it, but our brain responds to stress similarly with the rest of the body. Pressure, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, and the lack of exercise and sleep are a few of the things that negatively affect the performance of our brain, causing cognitive issues. When these factors are not properly attended to, we become at risk to chronic diseases including Dementia and Alzheimer’s

With these in mind, we have found that the best method to achieve healthy brain as we age is actually ensuring that our body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and pampering it needs. We have to provide our body the right nutrients by taking-in food rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, we honestly can’t get all of it from our normal diet. Even the healthiest diet is not sufficient enough to provide all the nutrients we need. As researchers have found, we all need supplementation to stay healthy as we age.

I personally recommend products of Life Botanica which are all instrumental in developing a healthy diet to achieve healthy brain aging. Their products are especially formulated to provide the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for the body to stay healthy. Having a proper diet along with supplementation and sensible exercise are the secrets to a healthy brain as we age.  This is the way to avoid chronic diseases that come with unhealthy brain aging.
