The effect of Stress on your Heart: Science, Study &Tips  

Think a little stress here and there is nothing you can’t handle? Here’s the truth: Everyday stress can take a serious toll on the health of your heart—so much so that many experts consider stress as important a risk factor for cardiovascular disease as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking.

The Science
The physiological response to stress, by increasing blood pressure and heart rate, increases turbulence in the bloodstream, which in turn puts press on the walls of the arteries, damaging the artery lining.
The physiological response to stress, by increasing blood pressure and heart rate, increases turbulence in the bloodstream, which in turn puts press on the walls of the arteries, damaging the artery lining.

The Studies
Countless studies have linked stress to cardiovascular disease. In middle-aged men, stress has been shown to be a risk factor for CVD and particularly for fatal stroke. Work stress, especially, plays a role in the development of heart disease and has been associated with a higher risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity—two conditions that can lead to heart disease. People with chronic work stress have twice the odds of developing metabolic syndrome than those without. In women, relationship stress has been found to seriously affect heart disease outcomes.

The Gut Connection
It is well known that stress can affect gut function. Stress shuts down the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, slowing digestion, reducing motility, and halting digestive secretions. Think about how you lose your appetite when you get in an argument, how your stomach turns when you are nervous, or how your stomach hurts when you are upset. These are all manifestations of stress on the gut.

Tips for Reducing Stress
As American Heart Month comes to a close, I want to pass along six tips for reducing daily stress. It begins with a healthy, heart-friendly diet that includes natural supplements known to support heart health as well as promote overall well-being.‡ Be sure to pass these along, and be good to your heart!

  1. Focus on Your Diet.Consume plenty of non-starchy vegetables, low-sugar fruits, healthy fats, lean protein, nuts and seeds, and avoid grain-based, refined, and starchy carbohydrates and sugars. If you are not consuming at least 35 grams of fiber daily to promote regular elimination and digestive balance, consider a fiber supplement. Take a daily Omega-3 fish oil supplement to increase the Omega-3/Omega-6 ratio and promote heart health‡, and because vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of heart disease (especially in people with high blood pressure), strive for 50 to 70 ng/mL daily.
  2. Get Physical.Exercise releases endorphins (the body’s euphoric neurotransmitters) and helps balance the stress response. Try to exercise at least five days per week, and include strength training, aerobic activities, and stress-relieving exercises.
  3. Healthy, Stress-relieving Activity.Whether you enjoy yoga, tai chi, massage, breathing, relaxation or another activity that eases stress, find time to do it regularly. Yoga and tai chi are particularly beneficial, as they address physical, mental and emotional fitness.
  4. Detox, Every 3 moth you need to detox your body in order to help your guts to stay Most importantly how you choose the detox products is crucial for your main organs. Detoxing at cellular level  means detoxing Kidney and Liver and some help as well pancreas .LifeBotanica products offer exactly that.
  5. Show Your Gut a Little TLC. Take natural digestive enzymes (with or without HCl, depending on your needs) at every meal to help relieve digestive symptoms.‡ Support optimal digestion and overall health with probiotics to help restore digestive balance.‡
  6. Get Plenty of Sleep.Lack of sleep is often the result of stress, but it also contributes to stress, creating a vicious cycle. Be sure to make time for adequate sleep—most people need at least 7 to 8 hours nightly so the body can function optimally.
  7. Build a Support System.A good support system goes a long way toward tackling everyday stress, and having someone to talk to is one of the most important ways to relieve stress. Support may come from family, friends, a counselor, or support groups. Build your support system so it’s there when you need it.
  8. Yoga , can be a good support physical and mental .I do not mean just physical Yoga, but mental as well .If you can take just a few minutes a day and try to empty your mind  of thoughts can help with stress.

Nowadays stress management is crucial—especially when we look at the many ways in which stress can adversely affect our heart and our overall well-being. Even small changes each day can go a long way toward heart-healthier living all year long!

Yours In Perfect Heart Health,

Petronely Grindea
