Is it true that one of the biggest keys to a long and healthy life is choosing your parents wisely?

Well, Yes and No. I have been living in New York for over 33 years and my neighbor Edith, 94 and her husband Ira, 92 have been my inspiration. Their life style and desire to be self-sufficient and independent has been amazing to me. Actually stay and think of it, I believe their social and activity style sometimes bits mine. All in all they have been my inspiration for a long time.        If you see Edith you do not give her a day over 70 and the same apply to Ira. So what is their secret?


Talking to them and following their life style I think one has to consider a few important things.

If your real aim is to be lively and robust in your 80s and 90s, you will need to learn some anti-aging secrets that focus on the mind, body and spirit. You are an integrated model – there are many aspects of a healthy life that rely on each other. Anecdotal information and science have both shown this to be true. Crush the spirit and the body will follow. Stimulate the mind and your mood will lighten. Exercise the body and your mind will be sharper. In many ways, these anti-aging tips are interdependent, but are they really?

That, of course, is not truly a choice, but an acknowledgment of the enormous role that heredity plays in everybody’s health. But you’re not a slave to your family’s past. New research shows that the brain has an amazing amount of plasticity [source: Doidge]. Impending health conditions can be planned for and bypassed (sometimes literally). Even mood and perspective can be relearned and yoga practice can help stress-avoidance. What does stress avoidance have to do with it? Basically, it enhances cognitive ability – that is, it keeps your brain sharp [source: Judge and Barish-Wreden]. But more on that later.

I always thought that by reaching 80 years old you are a pretty much finished and to old to enjoy life. Since I met Edith and Ira, I am convinced that life style and life choices on working your body – and mind are crucial on the length of your life. We are talking exercise, working your brain, involving with intellectual activities are extremely important. More so, how you eat and sleep, your happiness, all these aspects are key to your wellbeing.

Working for over twenty years in Health &Wellness field as a professional, I have learned a great deal and I have now the conviction that you can play the most important role in the length and quality of your life. You just have to learn how, and most important to take action.

On the following pages, discover 10 techniques for maintaining your youth and health as you age.

1.Stimulate Your Brain

It’s one thing to live a long life, but if you want to live a long and vibrant life, you’re going to need a vibrant and sharp mind. The brain, like the rest of the body, needs exercise to avoid becoming sluggish and even disease-ridden. A study of nuns found that the more educated women had fewer instances of Alzheimer’s disease. And even autopsy analysis found that while a particular brain may have exhibited signs of the disease, the effects weren’t obvious in the women who had challenged their brains and had other interests outside their work [source: Roizen and Oz]. My neighbors Edith and Ira are playing bridge every week, Edith is involved with different organizations to support good causes. The level of her and his reading is amazing.  Ira is a splendid crafter. The beautiful pieces he creates out of silver are amazing. That activity requires planning, designing, shopping and execution.

The brain needs to be challenged to keep neurological pathways open. Learn a new language, read or even simply practice awareness of your surroundings: smells, sounds and visual input. The old adage “use it or you’ll lose it” has validity when it comes to your mind. I grew up in Europe and now I appreciate the fact that I had to leaned so much poetry as a student. Try to memorize beautiful poems, challenge your brain and memory in any way you can.

2.Eat Well 

Aim to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

The standard advice from the U.S. government is to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables and three servings of whole grains daily for vitamins and minerals and the other healthful micronutrients in plants. Drink five to eight 8-oz. (227 milliliter) glasses of water.

Get no more than about 30 to 35 percent of your daily calories from fat, with about one-fifth of that from unsaturated fat (e.g., 1 percent milk, olive and canola oil). Get 15 percent from protein and the remaining calories from carbohydrates – which can include fruits and veggies and should have an emphasis on complex carbs like oatmeal, whole wheat bread and wild rice.

3.Remember the Spirit, Your Happiness

Good health and less suffering – those sound like worthwhile goals, right? Studies show that religion – or spirituality – has a positive effect on physical health and does, in fact, help reduce suffering. Whether it is through meditation, prayer or learning to forgive, research indicates that you can learn to become happier and even more social through spirituality. Recently a Movie distributed by Chanel 13 called HAPPINESS, it was mind bugling. The director spent 10 years of research what makes people happy. Well, it seems that good friends and close family does it.  The spirit and energy around you are Key for keeping you healthy even in healing one’s body of illness.

Brahma Kumaris, Yoga Meditation has been shown to have a positive effect on people dealing with severe levels of stress, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. I have followed Brahma Kumaris for some years and it helped me quiet my mind and get in touch with my soul. Much research has been done to investigate the connection between mind, body spirit – particularly in the later years of life – and it was found that a focus on spirituality and its power to elicit positive change is important.


Weight training and aerobic exercise helps muscle strength, balance and bone density.

Regular aerobic exercise is a must-do for anyone committed to slowing the aging process. Hundreds of studies show that exercise combats the loss of stamina, muscle strength, balance and bone density that increases with age. For somebody older less strenuous exercises like swimming and walking are essential. Edith and Ira are going 4 times a week to Swimming and walking daily, even two times daily when the weather permits.

Ready to get started? The American Heart Association advises doing a single set of 8 to 15 repetitions, using 8 to 10 exercises, two to three times a week for a comprehensive strength-building program. After you get the flow of the routine, it should take about 10 minutes.

5.Maximize Your Intake of Antioxidants

The evidence is “incontrovertible” and bears repeating, says Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg of Tufts University: Free radicals contribute to the onset of age-related diseases, and antioxidants neutralize free radicals.

In addition to get that antioxidant boost, you must Detox your body at Cellular level. Detox your body at list every 2-3 month and get a clean slate to help remove toxins which bring many deses. If you are to Detox your body you must do it at cellular level, helping your main organes to clean and repair.

Dr. Blumberg advises eating dark-colored vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, squash and spinach for carotenoids and blue and purple berries for flavonoids. Because foods contain many classes of antioxidants that work synergistically, they are the superior source of antioxidants, says Dr. Blumberg.

6. Consider a Good Supplement

Everyone should take a combination of antioxidants through diet and supplementation, Dr.Blumberg asserts. LifeBotanica  has launching in 2013 an exceptional product which has ingredients tested in clinical study and it is based on Genetic Nutrition. Meaning: the product works on SirT1gland, the gland of aging. As well, the product is packed with Resvinol, Grape Seed extract, COQ10, Lutein and Zexatin, ingredients which affect Heart, Brain, Eye and your immune system.

So you want to bolster the antioxidant quotient in your diet, but there are only so many spinach salads and digestion hours in day. That’s where supplements could pick up the slack.

Because we don’t always eat as we should, same Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg of Tufts University advocates, taking daily supplements of the “classic” antioxidants: 200 to 250 milligrams of vitamin C, 100 to 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin E, and a mixed carotenoid supplement of 6 to 10 milligrams. “I always tell people that taking antioxidants is like driving with a seatbelt“, says Blumberg. They can protect your life, but they are not a license to drive recklessly.

 7. Sleep

You may have heard people say “I’ll sleep when I die”. Truth is the lack of sleep may actually precipitates death. Research shows that if you sleep less than six hours a night, you are at far greater risk of having a heart attack or experiencing a stroke. Even more, your mind seems to deteriorate at a faster pace.

On an emotional level, a lack of sleep makes you less peaceful and more prone to anger. Sicknesses related to viral infections are also more prevalent among people lacking proper rest. Eight hours of sleep each night is important for your current physical health, as well as your mood and your longevity [source: Roizen and Oz].

8. Use a Wrinkle Reducer

Unless you’ve been hyper-vigilant about shielding yourself from the sun (think living in a cave since you were knee-high), the signs of aging skin – fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots – are likely to emerge by the time you enter your fourth decade. “Ninety-five percent of wrinkles are due to sun exposure”, says Doris Day, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Medical Center.

Consider a wrinkle eraser that includes retinol, a form of vitamin A, to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, fade brown spots and smooth skin tone. Retinol or tretinoin topical creams exfoliate the skin and increase the production of collagen. The creams come in a concentration of 0.02 percent and 0.05 percent so just about everyone can tolerate it and they may even help some people who have early signs of sun damage or skin cancer. In addition consider to use any product with Hyaluronic acid which is key to maintain moisture and keep skin hydrated.

9. Restore Your Hormones

Loss of energy, libido and stamina are the symptoms that usually drive patients into the waiting rooms of anti-aging doctors. They are also the “classic” symptoms of declining hormone levels and the reason hormone-replacement therapy is the No. 1 weapon in the arsenal of prescription anti-aging medicine. Production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in women and testosterone in men decreases rapidly after age 35, says Nadu Tuakli, M.D., of the Anti-Aging and Longevity Institute in Baltimore.

Anti-aging physician Richard LeConde, who prescribes testosterone for his female patients, notes a dramatic improvement in their wellbeing not seen with estrogen and progesterone alone. It definitely “produces an awakening in men,” he says, but reports that most of the women for whom he adds testosterone “refuse to give it up.”

10. Human Growth Hormone Therapy

HGH can increase muscle tone and firm skin.

Though controversial and only within the reach of those willing to shell out up to $300 a month, human growth hormone (HGH) is the “best treatment we currently have for preserving vitality until the end of your normal genetic lifespan,” says LeConde, who at age 52 has been injecting himself daily with HGH for the past 5 years. The 30-gauge, one-quarter inch (6.35 millimeter) needle, he adds, is a “very low obstacle” for his patients, most of whom are over age 50 and report reduced body fat, increased muscle tone, enhanced sexual performance, elevated mood and firmer skin from HGH treatments, according to LeConde.

HGH has been approved by the FDA to treat adult human growth hormone deficiency but not as a routine anti-aging therapy. That will take years because “everyone is a candidate for HGH,” says LeConde. In the meantime, he adds, “those of us over 50 cannot wait for the FDA to approve one of the safest, most effective interventions we have”. What will scientific research have to say about HGH? Only time will tell – we recommended starting your anti-aging regimen at home by living healthy in the meantime.

In conclusion leaving a balance life , eating healthy , exercise , stimulate your brain with intellectual activities should do it. Do not forget be happy.
